Posted by: katedaphne | February 4, 2008

A happy endometrium


Remember the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? I mean, the REAL one, with Gene Wilder, not the occasionally-amusing-but-mostly-a-travesty with Johnny Depp.

I love it for many reasons, but not least because Wonka is constantly mixing things up, and then stopping and saying, “Strike that. Reverse it,” with a little wiggle of his index fingers.

Well, I didn’t mix anything up (yet) (that I know of), but I do need to back up a little. I’ve been waxing about donor egg a lot lately. But Mike and I actually have decided to go ahead and use our frozen embryos before we put my sister, ourselves and any anonymous donors through any of this.

We have four embies from our third cycle (local), and one or two at Cornell from our fourth cycle. We have changed local REs (this is our fourth, if you count the one we had a second-opinion consult with but didn’t cycle with). We are going to have them all transported to our new local doc and do a FET here before moving to DE.

We know the FET is a long shot at best, but I hoping I am one of those few but real women for whom only a FET can work. I was chatting with a former cycle buddy about this earlier today. There are some people who just get too messed up by all the drugs of a fresh cycle. I know the cycles have been really hard on me. There are lots of women, though, who claim IVF is not that big of a deal. They are either lying, or for whatever reason, it is different for me. Some people probably do suck it up better than I do. I don’t believe in suffering in silence! But maybe my bod just doesn’t like all that crap in it, and maybe a frozen cycle will result in a “happier endometrium” (as my new RE likes to say).

And if there’s anything I want in life, it’s a happy endometrium!

 So this week I am working on scheduling all the labs that need to be updated, a new saline sonogram (I have a pathological fear of polyps), the appointment to sign consents and get paperwork to move embies, etc.

It would be pretty cool if the FET worked. It would be a baby related to me, moi, myself, I. Poor thing. I hope it gets my figure and sense of humor and not my nose or my oily skin. If it doesn’t work, it’s on to DE.

To close, I leave you with the lyrics a lovely song from WW&tCF:

 Pure Imagination

Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three

Come with me And you’ll be
In a world of Pure imagination

Take a look And you’ll see
Into your imagination

We’ll begin With a spin
Traveling in The world of my creation
What we’ll see Will defy

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing
To it

There is no Life I know
To compare with Pure imagination
Living there You’ll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing
To it

There is no Life I know
To compare with Pure imagination
Living there You’ll be free
If you truly Wish to be

Smart words, that. I need to be reminded of that sometimes. Okay, a lot, lately. If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.


  1. Great idea! If you don’t use them all up, you would always wonder. And you never know… it only takes one, right? Are they day 3 embies?

    Thanks for checking out my blog 🙂


  2. I think it is a great idea too.

    It is snowing like crazy here so paradise would be if I closed my eyes and imagined it!

  3. Ahhhhh. WW&tCF brings back such great memories *sigh*

    Anyway… glad to hear you will be going for the FET first. My RE also believes that a FET endometrium is a happy endometrium. Let’s both hope they are right!

  4. Kate-

    I am so glad you are going for the FET! I will be checking in on you guys often. As always you are in my prayers.

    Shelley (from pinning our hopes groups)

  5. Kate-I am so happy to hear that you are going to cycle again, and soon…..I agree with the “fresh cycle are just too much” The FET is so much easier and about as close to a natural cycle as you can get…….Thank you for de-lurking. I miss and love you so much and pray for you and Mike constantly……..looking forward to “lurking” thru your journey!

  6. Kate!! I am so happy you did it!! YAYA!!! Keep us posted or email me, eitherway!!! I am pulling for those tots!!!

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